Jersey House: fixing up an 1899 house in suburban New Jersey

Jersey House: fixing up an 1899 house in north jersey, without killing each other, or the house, or the cat.

Friday, October 27, 2006

electricity, eeeeelectricity!

sung, of course, in the style of Schoolhouse Rock.

Is it wrong that having four (4)! electricians call me back and schedule appointments has made my week?

Granted, I called 12 total (including the one we'd spoken with and got an estimate for earlier who then decided not to return phone calls for 2 weeks), but hey, 4 actually called back!

Who knows, maybe we will actually be able to get a dishwasher circuit and some outlets in the kitchen!


At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They only called you back because they hear CHA-CHING!
Electricians are the bane of my existance!

At 10:12 PM, Blogger jen said...

oh yeah, they totally heard "open wallet!" but what's really sad is that I will take it.


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