Happy New Year!
Hope everyone had a fabulous New Year and has recovered from appropiate festivities, as well as any inappropriate festivities!
We had a lovely little break, as both JBB and I didn't have to go in the office last week. And the heat is still working just fine to boot. Yay!
Giftmas was a very lovely giftmas with many cookbooks that we can now use in our lovely shiny half-finished-finished-enough kitchen, Apple loving us (nano, shuffle, and video ipod), and A DREMEL! I cannot begin to tell you how pleased I am to be able to drill things and polish things and all sorts of rotary tool things.
And while we had a few days sans travel or plans during the week, we did very little on the house. Actually, I should revise that. I did very little on the house.
JBB managed a whirlwind of small but important things. For example, right before we had a few folks over for New Years Eve of drinking and Karaoke Revolution (yeah K-Rev new years!), he straightened up the whole house while I cooked, and we hung the living room drapes, for which our neighbors are very glad I'm sure. And the next day he had a flurry of activity in which half of the toe kicks in the kitchen were installed, the headboard on our bed was attached, laundry was done, the old dresser in the guest room was moved to the third floor so we can actually use our elliptical machine, and oh yes, I watched Law and Order.
By the way, did you know that Costco has prosecco, my favorite fake champagne/sparkling wine, for $6 a bottle? And it's GOOD too!