remember the last post, wherein we measured for beadboard?
Well, we bought the beadboard, which was a bit of an adventure in itself. And I primed the whole damn kitchen (ugh), and then Jonathan installed the beadboard, again, an adventure in itself, which I will leave to him, as we actually have! pictures! for once! (that I still haven't unloaded off the camera. it'd help if I could actually find the cord).
And this past week, I've put two coats of paint (Benjamin Moore Simply White--matches Ikea Lindingo cab color almost exactly) on the beadboard. And then realized that the plywood beadboard paneling really ought to have been sanded smooth before this.
Yeah. I'm smart. S-M-R-T.
After much cursing and kicking and scaring the poor wee kitties who had really better start learning that paint does not equal delicious cream. Better late than never, I grabbed this:

It's sad, because the mouse has recently been replaced as my one true love by the heat gun (with which I stripped the window casing paint), but I do love this thing. Even if after an hour of sanding (with the shop vac hose right there) my hands were all TWIIIIIIIING!-y for pretty much the rest of the day. But I got the rest of the dust with the tack cloth, and now the damn panels are smooth and ready to paint. Again.
Next up?
More kitchen! pictures! of stripping (paint)! and other things! Like cap molding! and essentially making our own 1/4 inch quarter round the hardest way possible because we're too lazy to go to the faraway lumber yard! And homegrown tomatoes! including the vine that's taller than me!
Labels: kitchen beadboard
It's great to hear someone else has a great, undying love of the heat gun. Mine is absolutely my best friend! I'm putting up bead board in my bathroom sometime in the future, and I'll be sanding first, I guess. Thanks for the heads up!
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